Canada Day Letter to MLAs & MPs
July 15, 2021FAN 2021 Fall Bulletin
December 9, 2021The Department and FAN have collaborated on a survey to gauge the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on families’ access to services and related information.
For more information, see the letter below.
To complete the survey, go to: Engage MB
August 16, 2021
To All Stakeholders:
Over the last 18 months, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes to almost all
aspects of life, including the delivery of services to children and adults living with a disability
in the community. Limiting day services to those in critical need, introducing visitation
restrictions for loved ones, changing respite services and using personal protective
equipment have presented challenges for all of us.
The Department of Families and the Family Advocacy Network recognize the impact these
changes have had on the families of loved ones involved with the Children’s disABILITY
Services (CDS) and Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) programs.
We are pleased to share that we have collaborated on a survey to gauge the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on families’ access to services and related information. The information
gathered will help to determine how to improve the way we collectively support families to
access services, both during and after the pandemic.
The surveys are posted on the EngageMB website and will be live for eight weeks to allow
time for families to submit their responses. The last day to submit responses will be
October 7, 2021 and we strongly encourage families to complete the survey before then. A
final report will be developed from the survey data, identifying common themes, processes
that are working well and areas for improvement. This report will be available on the
EngageMB website.
Please be assured that all responses are confidential and will not be linked to individual
respondents. The collective responses from the survey will only be used to make decisions
about how to improve families’ access to CDS and CLDS’s services, program and policy
Please share this opportunity when communicating with program participants, their families or
other stakeholders.
To access the surveys, please visit: Manitoba Disability Community | EngageMB.
Rachel Smith, President, Family Advocacy Network
Lori Neustaedter, A/Director, Children’s disABILITY Services
Andrea Thibault-McNeill, A/Director, Adult Disability Services