In Manitoba there are both Informal and Formal processes for dispute resolution. 

With Informal Dispute Resolution, the following process is recommended:

    • Speak with the teacher first. 
    • If the problem has not been resolved, speak with the principal. 
    • If the problem still has not been resolved, find out if there is anyone else you could contact in your school division. (The school should have contact lists and information.) 
    • If the problem still has not been resolved, speak with the superintendent. 
    • If the problem still has not been resolved, contact the Board of Trustees. Your elected school trustees can assist you with this process.

When is it time to proceed to Formal Dispute Resolution? From Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning: 

Formal Dispute Resolution applies only to students with special learning needs and abilities. After a parent or student over the age of 18 has followed their local school division’s appeal process to try to resolve a dispute about either a student’s programming or placement, and the parties are still in disagreement, a complaint can be made to the Review Coordinator at Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning. The Review Coordinator must follow legislation on Appropriate Educational Programming [Regulation] to make inquiries and, if the complaint persists, a Review Committee will be named by the Minister for investigation and recommendations.

What can I do if I have a concern regarding my child with special learning needs and abilities at school? Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning has information at this link, including Frequently Asked Questions dealing with both Informal Dispute Resolution and Formal Dispute Resolution:

(Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, Working Together: A Parent’s Guide to Formal Dispute Resolution, 2006.)

Dispute Resolution section in A Parent’s Guide to Inclusive Education – (Community Living Manitoba,  A Parent’s Guide to Inclusive Education, 2013, p.52)

Don’t know who you should contact? Here are links to lists of Manitoba Education and Manitoba School Division contacts: 

Manitoba Education Contacts:

School Division Contacts: